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  • Hugo Walker

Simply Lunch + Mezze | A case study

Discover how Mezze has helped Simply Lunch save time, free up resources and generate revenue.

Simply Lunch is one of the UK’s fastest-growing, forward-thinking Food to Go manufacturers. The Croydon-based business was an early adopter of Mezze; its innovation-led leadership team partnered with Mezze to access market-leading digital ordering and customer service.

There's a huge opportunity for Food Manufacturers to use cutting-edge software to enhance their operation both internally and for their customers. Watch the case study to hear how Sam (Managing Director), William (Marketing & Branding Manager) and the Simply Lunch team are employing Mezze to reap the rewards of this.

"We are always looking at how we can implement software within our business to make it easier for our customers; Mezze offers exactly that."

— William Page, Simply Lunch

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